Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday Stuff

Well, here we are again. Yesterday was pretty much spent in the car. Sis & I ran errands up and down the hill. Some friends of my brother's came in the morning to help with a fencing project that my brother is unable to complete, so we went to town to pick up some deli sandwiches to feed the guys. We were instructed to stop by the peach orchard at the bottom of the hill to buy a box of tree-ripened peaches, which we happily did. They are so luscious sliced atop a bowl of Cheerios or on a scoop of vanilla ice cream. We will enjoy them all weekend. For lunch we ladies opted for yet another fresh tomato sandwich, still a real treat since we so rarely have tomatoes fresh from the garden (we can have a deli sandwich any old time). I'm trying to make up for my Lutein deficiency (ha!). Wow, I can tell you they taste like real tomatoes, unlike the store-bought variety.

After lunch, we ventured back down the hill to pick up some items our sis-in-law needed around the house, and made a run through the super market for weekend meal supplies. By the time we finished and got back to the house, it was time to think about fixing some dinner. We've been trying to take care of meal preparation, but our sis-in-law made her famous homemade quesadillas (yum - restaurant quality!), which we dutifully scarfed up in a hurry - so good! During the evening we enjoyed Gaither music DVD's (my brother's favorite gospel group), and went to bed just before 10:00.

My brother didn't rest as much as he should have yesterday, and by evening he was exhausted - we were rather concerned about him. He needs several naps through the day, but he just wasn't comfortable laying down to rest with his friends outdoors working in the heat on a project he felt he should be doing. That's so hard for a man. Then we learned last night that he had a seizure soon after we arrived on Wednesday evening. I was busy unpackng and didn't notice when it happened, but Mom & Sis picked up on it at the time. Apparently, they asked him about it this morning, and he admitted it had happened. Stress or lack of rest can bring on a seizure, so we want to try to guard against either of those things. Thankfully, after a night's rest he seemed some better today.

The weather has been in the upper 80's -- 88 yesterday, and similar temp today. Fortunately, it has cooled off enough in the evenings to be able to sleep without feeling like we're lying in a sauna. I haven't slept well since we've been here, but it has nothing to do with the temperature. I keep waking up and mulling over everything, and praying for a miracle and the strength to face whatever is ahead. More prayers, please (this is the "broken record" speaking!).

Stay tuned - I'll try to update y'all in a day or two.

Love you! XOXO

MY TEXT FOR TODAY: Isaiah 65:24 (LB)
"I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!"

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