Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another interesting day

Today was interesting, to say the least. We were sitting around this morning still in our PJ's enjoying a leisurely breakfast and a cup of coffee when the doorbell rang. Yup, I went to the door in my nightgown. There at the door was Nancy's cleaning lady, Bertha, ready to report for duty. She called on Tuesday (her usual cleaning day) to say that she would not be here to clean until Thursday afternoon. Needless to say, we were not expecting her at zero-dark-thirty in the morning - OK, it was only 8:30, but REALLY!

Bertha is a precious Mexican lady (probably in her forties) who barely speaks English, so that may have been part of the problem. At any rate, she started in the back of the house (the bathrooms, of all things!), so that precluded any opportunity to grab a shower and get dressed. My sis WAS actually able to sneak to the shower while Bertha cleaned the other bathroom, but sadly, I didn't make it.

Here's the complication. I had promised Nancy I would make a batch of cookies this morning. The 5th and 6th graders at the school where she teaches kindergarten had plans to "surprise" us by coming in the afternoon to rake the leaves in my brother's gigantic front yard. This yard has a buzzillion good-sized oak trees who are shedding their clothes for the winter. We wanted to offer a plate of homemade cookies to thank the kids for making us their "community service" learning experience.

So, at 8:45 a.m. I fired up the oven and hurriedly created a batch of Tollhouse cookies (from the recipe on the Nestle chocolate chip package - Yummmmm!). I've never made speedier cookies in my life. You see, I had to get the cookies in and out of the oven before Bertha finished cleaning in the back of the house and came to clean in the front part of the house where the kitchen lives. Whew! So, with the help of my sweet sister, I threw together the ingredients and got those cookies baked, cooled and artfully arranged on a pretty glass plate by 9:30! Please don't ask me to repeat it - ever! I know I couldn't do it again, no way! And in my nightie, too! I mean, there was no chance to get dressed. So there I was. I finally showered and dressed just after 10:30. It was like a comedy ballet, all that juggling and tap-dancing to try and stay out of Bertha's hair and stay on schedule!

The kids (fifteen 11 & 12 year-olds) did a great job. They filled a good-sized trailer with leaves, and the yard looks spectacular. Oh, and the cookies - they were a smashing success (I sneaked and ate a couple - they WERE good!

The blessing of today was that it was sunny and beautiful (low 70's) - what a contrast to the weather we're hearing about back in the Northwest, particularly the Oregon & Washington coast areas. In fact, a story from Tillamook (which happened on a road where we once lived) made the national news today. We saw it this morning on the "Today" show, of all things. The story is that a car with a mom and three kids drove off the road into the water when she was unable to determine where the road was under the floodwaters. Praise God, they were all safely rescued. All they lost was their car, which can be replaced!

My brother had another chemo treatment last Friday, and has been pretty miserable so far this week. He has developed a painful, itchy rash from one of his anti-seizure meds. We are trying to interest him and Nancy in looking into a treatment program in the LA area that treats brain tumors (and other cancers) with hyperthermia (heat). The level of heat used causes damage to the cancer cells and compromises their blood supply, but doesn't harm normal cells. Dick & Nancy are reticent to pursue it, so we need your prayers in that regard. There are clinical trials using this treatment program at Duke University, so it sounds legitimate. I'll share more on this later when we have more information.

In the meantime, take good care of yourselves and stay close to Him - I love you all!

MY TEXT FOR TODAY: Isaiah 43:1-3 (New Living Translation)
What a beautiful promise!

1 “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.
2 "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.
3 "For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."

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